Part 1 Watch prepared for specific topics, see topic sequence 2 see all the เวรัญ shifting
.The เวรัญ shifting shifting Brahmin เวรัญ Brahmin said tu the Buddha likeness with chicks, he shows the Dhyana 4 and transcendence. 3. เวรัญ shifting Brahmin presence layman. City large-scale tea was born in famine arrange Buddha tradition, facing the giants emitting sijjima.Mention why he prescribe white stork. Royal house เวรัญ shifting Brahmin commentary
.Wash the
ปฐมปาราชิก white stork [on Gemini Dharma]
.The tin Inn, sutin airline came กลันท son was ordained. The first commandments, commentaries, holy Nu commandments, one as a female monkey, commentaries, sun. Nu law. 2. The lard, commentaries, white stork, photographic plate, commentaries, characteristics that do not tell the night [of his kingdom.The virtue that may tell the night [7 8 chapters] synonym of Buddha. The virtue that do not tell the night, commentaries, บทภาชนีย์
.Marc ภาณวาร commentary, Orson. ถต ภาณวาร [over]
1. The category and produced human lifestyles. 27 จตุก shift. 2. Food and NUS siddhi 27 จตุก shift. 3. The category prediction of ตถี 27 จตุก shift. 4. The Congress. อุภ grew up พยัญช category human bird 27 จตุก shift. 5. Food and delivered up อุภ grew up พยัญช bird 27 จตุก shift. 6.Food animal. อุภ grew up พยัญช future bird 27 จตุก shift. 7. Human potential shift payment category and 18 จตุก shift. 8. Food and delivered it issues ณฑก. 18. จตุก shift. 9. Food animal future potential shifts. 18. The จตุก with 10) Congress. ปุริส human. 18. จตุก shift. 11. Food and delivered it ปุริส. 18. จตุก shift. 12.Food animal future. ปุริส. 18. จตุก with commentary
ridge ถต ภาณวาร [over]
1. The category and produced human lifestyles. 27 จตุก shift. 2. Food and NUS siddhi 27 จตุก shift. 3. The category prediction of ตถี. 27 จตุก shift. Congress. อุภ grown human category พยัญช bird 27 จตุก shift. 5.Food and delivered. อุภ grew up พยัญช bird 27 จตุก shift. 6. Food animal. อุภ grew up พยัญช future bird 27 จตุก shift. 7. มนุส section reflects the potential with 18 จตุก shift. 8. The category and potential shifts human. จตุก shift. 9. 18 volume prediction. The potential future with 18 จตุก shift. 10. Food fun and. ปุริส. 18. จตุก shift. 11.Food and delivered it ปุริส. 18. จตุก shift. 12. Volume prediction in. ปุริส. 18. จตุก shift
, Orson ถต ภาณวาร [dodge]
1. Young research category and their human life 27 จตุก shift. 2. Food and NUS siddhi. 27 จตุก shift. 3. Volume prediction of ตถี 27 จตุก shift. Congress. อุภ grown human category พยัญช bird 27 จตุก shift. 5.Division of conservative congressman. อุภ grew up พยัญช bird 27 จตุก shift. 6. Food animal. อุภ grew up พยัญช future bird 27 จตุก shift. 7. Human potential shift payment category and 18 จตุก shift. 8. Food and delivered up potential shifts. จตุก shift. 9. 18 volume prediction. The potential future with 18 จตุก shift. 10. Human category. ปุริส Congress. 18. จตุก shift. 11.Food and delivered it ปุริส. 18. จตุก shift. 12. Volume prediction in. ปุริส. 18. จตุก shift
ridge ถต ภาณวาร [Yeon research จ์]
1) and produce human lifestyles. 27 จตุก shift. 2. Food and NUS siddhi. 27 จตุก shift. 3. Volume prediction of ตถี 27 จตุก shift. Congress. อุภ grown human category พยัญช bird 27 จตุก shift. 5.Food and delivered. อุภ grew up พยัญช bird 27 จตุก shift. 6. Food animal. อุภ grew up พยัญช future bird 27 จตุก shift. 7. มนุส section reflects the potential with 18 จตุก shift. 8. Food and delivered up potential shifts. จตุก shift. 9. 18 volume prediction. The potential future with 18 จตุก shift. 10. Human category. ปุริส Congress. 18. จตุก shift. 11.Food and delivered it ปุริส. 18. จตุก shift. 12. Volume prediction in. ปุริส. 18. จตุก shift
ana ปัตติ var วินีต objects, exclaim spells. วินีตวัตถุ, about a female monkey. On the commentary
doubled wash white stork [on อทินนาทาน]
.The กุมภการ. Children thaniya materials inspection, the first commandment สการ brahmana commentary about the ฉัพ Park key holy Nu commandments, commentaries, white stork, photographic plate Commentaries, บทภาชนีย์ Martika. บทภาชนีย์. ภุม. มัฏ C analysis, etc. the commentary.Commentary, the symptoms of อวหาร commentary, ana ปัตติ var commentaries, วินีตวัตถุ, exclaim the spell. วินีต objects about such dye. 5. Etc. commentary
.Tertiary wash white stork [on human and Vic.]
tales about monks many forms the primary legislation has shown ana thus สติส meditation words, the first commandment commentary. Conservative law, the ฉัพ Park key White Stork vibhanga, commentaries, บทภาชนีย์.
MartikaMartika vibhanga สาหัตถิก. Sentence. Do it. อาณัตติก sentence order and etc. พรรณนาด้วย body, etc., descriptive speech, etc. The picture to etc. commentary
.ANA ปัตติ var วินีตวัตถุ, exclaim the spell. วินีตวัตถุ about descriptive commentary
จตุตถ wash white stork [of Uttar Pradesh of NUS's Dharma]
.The monks the river วัคคุ pleasure outlaw. 5 kinds of settlement commentary, the first commandment spells may prescribe the sun. He is how to achieve. White stork, commentaries, photographic plate บทภาชนีย์ commentary, net and contemplation, etc.!Net and meditate, output circuit, etc. the net กะวิ Mok. Net with meditation, etc. the net with discovering the. Net shift. ญาณทัสสนะ etc. Net with Marc pray. Net with T-tube cholangiography. Net with his passion. สุทธิก.On the commentary!ขัณฑ machine output circuit - doubled contemplation. EBook: Relativity machine, doubled contemplation tertiary contemplation, etc., and eBook: Relativity machine, เอกมูล scan, etc. ขัณฑ machine of nikkhepapada. Mini test objects. EBook: Relativity machine in information age. Of objects is tennis test. Data of eBook: Relativity machine you notes.เปยยาล 15 Lieutenant
.Other Jat) till 5 categories var var case till 5 categories utilize till var 5 section
ana ปัตติ var วินีต objects, exclaimed the spell. วินีตวัตถุ. It's important that achieve etc. The commentary
summary question 4 white stork, topics in about the commentary the
Tresสังฆาทิเสส white stork. That 1 [on. Let cooked with]
.The swing shift commandment holy decomposition may prescribe about monks many full white stork vibhanga, the Council ชนีย์ commentary, net a สังฆาทิเสส ขัณฑ. Machinery. Wish information alone is an allied machinery, wishes only as data ขัณฑ machine.2. A data eBook: Relativity machine, wish 2 as a data ขัณฑ machine and eBook: Relativity machine, have a desire everything. ขัณฑ machine, was only a mule. EBook: Relativity machine, was only a data ขัณฑ machine.2. A data eBook: Relativity machine was 2 as a data ขัณฑ machine and eBook: Relativity machine has the purpose is everything. อุภ grown eBook: Relativity miss and machinery. กุจฉิ machine, Section 1, etc.. ฏฐิ machine, Section 1, etc. An ปัตติ var วินีตวัตถุ.วินีตวัตถุ, dream on!สังฆาทิเสส white stork. That 2 [body]
. On the beard.The UTA Yi. The commandments, the white stork, monk, บทภาชนีย์ vibhanga เปยยาล บทภาชนีย์ woman. เปยยา al ana ปัตติ var วินีตวัตถุ, magic show title. วินีตวัตถุ about mothers, etc. the commentary!สังฆาทิเสส, the white stork, 3 [on]
about the evil words rough beyond.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..