GuppYThere is a small freshwater fish. Full length that does not exceed 5 inches in spots a large tail fins is. Males and females are different, apparently. That is, males are much smaller body size, but colorful and beautiful than the burrs. While the bigger belly to swell, and a small fin colours than species in North America, South America, Central America, and until the area they lived in freshwater sources until the brackish water that is flowing slowly as the fish are in a herd. Surface area to eat, eat both plants and animals, including insects or insect larvae, small with a GuppY fish are not as well known as aquarium fish. Domestic Thailand has imported since King Rama v by pet in a BOA because a fish is very simple, colorful allowed together as a herd. From the surface of the water and the fish are small fish. Making the fed a GuppY in a cornice. No need to use supplemental oxygen just like all other types of fish to breed, it is very easy to act because the fish are fertilized inside and out, the ball is by the male fish once it has been mixed, and then will be able to have 2-3 litters, which propagated simply 14,782.Bopla males and females come together it can make the child by fish that are ready to breed, will be under the age of 3 months to the current. GuppY developed varieties, colors and patterns, including different fuselage sizes. Beautiful lot in a natural species from There are many species, such as the "tuxedos", "kras", "Cobra", "mosaic", "tail", "Neon", etc from the fish is easy. Breed easy. Making the Ministry of health has a project raising GuppY Thailand people hold on to the water container. In the House to eat mosquitoes and larvicide to prevent diseases caused by mosquitoes and in the present. GuppY has become a kind of native species in the country, then to Thailand. Natural water sources have been found in the typical small native fish mingle with all the GuppY, mostly in the natural it will clear body. There is no consistent pattern resulting from mixing within same bloodline. This study, therefore, interested in studying the GuppY story by a study document according to the following topics: 1. history and background 2. the characteristic shape of the GuppY 3. cultivate GuppY 4. bringing down raising GuppY GuppY sick. 6. fish farming water care Article 7.-type GuppY 8. food for GuppY 9. mixing of GuppY
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