' Belle off this term I will ask my father to a Korean. I say and sit down beside the Bell friends die.' Why did he go to?' Bell faces come to me with a question.' Other birthday Hun soephrai mission o papa in it. Nia, I decided to put money here to buy shoes, Oh papa, then. Grand together! ' I'd say the book store with a welcoming school bag. ' I'm going to be no Grand Close this term she will go to Chiang Mai to visit me ' Grandpa, Bell spoke with a grudge. We walked down from the classroom before they disperse back home.I thought about the plan to go to Korea during the journey back home. Yes, I would like to make. To thank someone who has inspired me to learn Chinese. Now I would love to learn the language so much?Fall dinner. After dinner, we sat together. I decided to ask my father to go to Korea.' Yes, father. Close this term I get to Korea.?! ' I walked into the lounge sofa beside father.' I will go to the altar, and go with someone?' My father turned to ask me with suspicion, with little heat.' I will go alone, I Bell not available, but my father didn't want me to worry just three days my father knows I speak out Korea.? The teacher told me that Korea expert, I just wanted to try to live in the outside world view? The world must grow into adults and must take care of themselves. I know it's dangerous, but I have to just three days. I promise to take care of yourself, and keep in touch with his father every day, but if I go, I said, I had a father. ' I intervene to embrace around a laeokot father. Maidaina must succeed! I told him that I wanted to go there, you are my inspiration. I want to tell him. ' I want to scale that did?' She speaks with a sit down beside me.' Yes, I would like to thank you for the layout, I know what I like. How do I reply to?' Remove the XI what someday we must take care of himself, and ni. My father smiled with a kiss my head.' It looks just three days to remove. To me?'? Mother asked me.' Age. '
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