Malayan Tiger or Tiger Malaysia. Tiger is a species distinct from Indochinese tiger. It is shaped slightly smaller. The overall appearance is generally considered to be very close. For the tiger species found in the rainforests of Malaysian Peninsular Shula, Terengganu, Kelantan, Perak and Pahang for Thailand is found in forests in the south of the country, a land border with Malaysia. sure enough It is broadcast tigers breed and live in these areas, the tiger, we can find a lot of these , but because the prosperity of the country have gone too far. The hunting is still a lot to be sold continuously. Tiger makes the animal is close to extinction, so breathtaking. For the Malayan tiger In addition, the national animal of Malaysia. It also represents animals on earth, Malaysia's emblem. For this reason, too Malaysia has been dubbed. 'Yellow shirts' Malayan Tiger species. Often live in a small forest. That is not a big matter much. Moreover, the forest is found, it does not have the number of tigers living in the very same time it's like to live along the forest area, which is low. It also found that it's like living in the swamp with the current legal Malaysia provides a protected species of tigers became stricter. Which is under the Wildlife Protection Act since 1976 and Malaysia was the response of a successful tiger conservation very seriously. For legislation to reduce the amount of hunting down, which is good news, it is the national animal of Malaysia is not likely extinction of the world anyhow.
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