The inventory is the products we produced or purchased for distribution. Inventory management is important to the customer service, so that products are available at all times when the customer wants to buy.Many organizations began to see these problems, so they have to figure out a way. In order to reduce the cost of inventory management in supply chain system (supply chain)
.Inventory management effectively. As to the balance between the products and the satisfaction of customers, such as response to the order, customers buy (order fill rates).A stock in a too. It is not the goods and products customers want to buy. It makes the financial liquidity abruptly. Another one is the loss of income from the desired product is sold in this article.And coordination agencies in the efficiency of the supply chain system. Following
.1.Removal of goods (goods dead stock unmoving for more than 6 months) and product slow moving (goods ที่ถูกขา leave slowly. Maybe once a month or two months time, etc.).(warehousing) managing inventory (handling), transportation (Transportation) such as goods that don't move, or slow movement. Make waste storage area and taking inventory.May be not worth sending. Compared the proportion of order to delivery (use case third party logistics mainly charged ตามจำนวน box delivery. By sending based around and the path previously defined).
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