How to make a heart shape, young friends,Paper or notes that are coming off a 4-square, 1.Everyone follow I am! If ready. Start lol1. catch the corner of the folded paper on the left into the right hands and unfolded.2. grip the paper folded into the right hand corner, on the left hand side and unfolded.3. the catch during the klangkradat with the crease together as an example will be a triangle.4. catch the end corner of the square on the left side, 3 is. 5. on the right hand as the left6. phlikkradat back to the front.7. catch the corner of the paper to the top come down or folded toward the.8. fold the bottom piece of paper up on the handle, slightly.9. capture of paper folded into a corner on the left, middle and right hand.10. the plaikradat of both Channel 9 enclose11. plaikradat top handle both left and right hand folded down below 45 degrees.12. the arrest of 11 plaikradat enclose two side channels.13. the already completed.
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