Waiting for a wish HA Chana 10 the first day of the Jewish new year begins. The "new year", or wait for the Fryer (Rosh Hashana) Chana HA, which is a Festival where there is time to solemnly commemorate the Sin have done, and it is the time of the prayer prayer. The Jews believed that during these days will determine the fate of the 10 human lives for years to come. The Festival will end with a day (Yom Kippur), Yom khip pu, which is one of 10. According to the legend that when the new year's day. God opens the book of books, the first 3 books: deadly property (Book of Death) the second book for virtue is the book of life (Book of Life), the third book is the section between the two books, one with the book. Accurate classy inscriptions and stamped it down immediately in the book of life. The evil dead is saved in property but a judgment for the Group 3, which is between good and evil that will have to wait until the top is pu, so human khip in just 10 days to correct the bad things that were done. Blessings for the new year's day of the Jews is "let your inscription and good year." Although it is designed to commemorate the Festival but did not fault the mourning Festival. When you return from the ceremony at the Church, the home of the Jewish dinner table will be filled with food and happy atmosphere of the complex. Food items will vary depending on the taste and satisfaction of each family, but that will not be free, fresh fruit, honey and honey, means "sweet years" the best fresh fruit it abide by the old new year occurs during the harvest, good. Waiting for direct translations, Fryer, Hamilton, Chana said the start of the year. This is a new year's day, but many opportunities, such as the "day of remembrance", since the founding of the Jewish individual sin and regret for what has been done in the past year. Also called today "a day of blowing" because it is a Festival to hear a blowing trumpet ritual that made Stacey far or from Horn, hearing the subsequent religious blessing base. Sometimes called the "judgment" because today is the day that God will judge men from individual actions in the previous year. New year's day will begin on the first day of the month of Tishri (the first month in the Jewish calendar), which is believed to be the first day that the world is mobile, starting from the time the sun goes down. In the evening, before going to a new year's day. All Jews go to synagogue to hear blow far and new year Stacey to come.
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