Robot cleaner 1. the agricultural and industrial production. In the future, the world's population is likely to increase even more the need for tend to need more as well. To make a traditional agriculture takes a lot of low productivity, it also requires a lot of labor to administer fairly. To add more output in addition to a high-yield plants research harvested quickly and has a high disease resistance and Robotics is a science that has been implemented more and more in order to increase productivity, such as bringing a car plow. Black cars and trucks come harvest Robot Automation In the ati auto tahun restrictions somewhat in use, because the outdoor humidity. Dripping wet weather or sunlight is very harmful to the electrical circuit of the robot. The more active in farm and then almost broke up look at all, but with the technology and capabilities that the rise of the robots. The robot was developed adapt to outdoor environment better, until today, the robot can do the nightly rain and have the ability to climb out of the hole in the condition of the land of cultivation as well.
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