Ideal for everyday spending, without which the user does not need to carry cash in bulk. In order to pay for the goods with high price. By highlights of credit cards to pay for goods is to swipe by having many other benefits to respond to the user's lifestyle, such as discount stores, various many special services. In addition, card spending, it will have accumulated to redeem your prize. Depending on the condition of individual banks, the owner of the card, which is based on the payment terms is there is interest-free period of each card. If timely payment by the due date, it will not lose interest whatsoever.But in case the user wants to bring the credit card to withdraw cash from the credit card will be charged on the loan by up to 3% on amounts and interest disbursement made, up to 20% interest will be charged from the date the cash came out until the payment period of the Bill each month, such as the amount of 10,000 baht cash fee in pressing 300 or 3% on the day and also the interest to lose about 20% per year starting from the date of the press, which is a very high interest, but it depends on the length of time to pay.
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