The personality of Hanuman represent general is young, handsome, have a habit of flirting and have many wives, such as the International Court of justice, both of them have a presence. Is open confections, which is a hybrid between white monkey with fish, that is.But that tail back to the tail of the fish. นางเบญกาย daughter of the prophet, Hanuman has นางเบญกาย when. นางเบญกาย transformer body is the body of Sita opposes the water. To seduce Rama to regret, but within the movie this magic was caught.Which both child together named อสุรผัด
.My wife is 6 people Hanuman, including bud Mali, Ben body, Monto, together วานรินทร์ Suwan, ยุม (former wife of approximately chit) and the สุพรรณมัจฉา
throughout the Ramayana. Hanuman the military hero award from Rama 3 times
1.The loincloth. When Hanuman burnt Lanka
2. One. From when to help Rama after being held captive in the city construction type groundwater
3. City as management with Lady 5000 her. In episode after the fight down.
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