Now I'm drunk "drugs kill mosquitoes" of the "are you Mr. Wendy" I'm not sure what "you" want to kill Mr. Wendy "mosquito" or "kill me". .. nangbok aroma good lot back home, then I go to the injection right sleeping drug to kill the mosquitoes go .........
I am now very drunk "Drunk DDT" of "Mr. Wendy," I'm not sure. "Mrs. Wendy" to "kill" or "Kill me," well.. She says nice aroma. Then inject it back What do I smell DDT to sleep ..
Now I"m drunk. "High mosquito killing" of "Mrs Wendy." I"m not sure. "Mrs Wendy" to "kill the mosquito" or "kill me". She told smells good. Injection of much home and I"m sleeping smelling medicine mosquito killing.