The monsoon season in between. When the hurricane's bird nakhuen land in the North of Viet Nam. Resulted in heavy rains in the North and northeast of the country, Thai. July 31 [7] Within the first week of the flood was reported killed and thirteen people [8]. Floods continue in sixteen provinces, while the rain continued to fall heavily. And affecting several provinces in the central region until October 4 twenty-five provinces have been affected and the risk of more flooding as water levels, with most of the dam near or exceeding capacity [9]
Rain in March over the country's northern areas are more than 344% Thai, average, which is not normal, especially King bhumipol dam 242.8 mm rainfall received is greater than the normal 25.2 millimeters since January 1. The dam has accumulated water, mate or 245.9%, more than 186 lali normal value [10]
.By earlier flooding and landslide southern Thai, which starting from March 23. The incident is said to have killed at least 53 people, [11] and damaging more than 500 million US dollars [12]
.See more floods and landslide in the country's southern Thai 2554 (2011)
.Several Thai tropical countries in the sectors of the country are often caused by a sudden flood season. Floods usually started in the North then expanding the band by the Chao Phraya River through the Central Plains. In the North East Or in the area they patrol the coast in the East and South. The rest of tropical hurricanes which blows were falling in Viet Nam, or the southern peninsula, increasing precipitation in General. As a result, flood risk. Including many dams. Irrigation canal and basin flood veto ("monkey cheeks") (flood detention basin), [13] but it was not enough to prevent damages caused by flooding, especially in rural areas, an attempt has been made. TrRS 2544 (2001) [14] in order to prevent flooding in Bangkok, which is located at the mouth of the Chao Phraya River and flood. The result of these efforts is a major success. TrProf. 2538 (1995) However, Other regions are also severe flooding caused by last census 255
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