“Suppose there are five population involved, the number of possible pairs of sample mean is 5C2 =10” –As the amount of work involved in carrying out this many t tests is substantial, it is likely to lead to a false conclusion.
"Suppose there are five population involved, the number of possible pairs of sample mean is 5C2 =10" –As the amount of work involved in carrying out this many t tests is substantial, it is likely to lead to a false conclusion.
"Suppose there are five population involved, the number of possible pairs of sample mean is 5C2 = 10" -As the amount of work involved in carrying out this many t tests is substantial, it is likely to lead to a false conclusion.
"Suppose there are five, population involved the number of possible pairs of sample mean is 5C2 = 10" - As the amount of. Work involved in carrying out this many t tests, is substantial it is likely to lead to a false conclusion.