Hotel Plaza Athenee Bangkok Professor Dr.Business ethics โลจ นาภิ, M.D., President, academic association of military surgeons is under. Press conference of innovation accomplishment that prostate cancer screening among men has aged since 50 years.The incidence in 2.5-3 cases per 1 00000 population. The situation the disease also increased. From the original prostate cancer is more common in men in the high pressure 7-8 but at present is up to rank all 4 จากมะเร็ง
.Factors contributing to disease found is eating fast food with milk, butter, cheese, including genetic component increase, the father. Or my brother prostate cancer are likely to be higher than the normal 3 imaginable.And screening for cancer patients initially showed the death rate decreased 21 and can reduce prostate cancer stage to spread while diagnose
.Professor Dr. ethics mission, said that in the current screening examination method pH I (Prostate Health Index:Phi) which is a reagent for screening. It is considered a new innovation in screening the risk to prostate cancer And it is launching in Thailand. Which how to do 5 patient venipuncture.The automatic detector for the 3, is PSA.Free PSA and [- 2] Pro PSA recognize culture disease. And there are more reliable than the traditional examination 3.5 times. However there used this innovation in private hospitals and medical schools บางแห่งเท่านั้น. But in the future will be used in medical schools everywhere. The cost of screening with this innovation in the bath!Chairman of academic surgical association, said that even the cost examination of this method is relatively high. But if there are more production and cheap. There should be a packing in the benefits in different health insurance funds.The original way to use method, by viewing the chemicals found in the blood. To indicate the disorders of the prostate with a detection method by wearing gloves whose prostate through anal (Digital Rectal examination:DRE) if the abnormality. Will have the prostate biopsy check more. May result in complications, such as bleeding, or what the infection in the blood and make patients cost than necessary.Nutritious foods it control cholesterol to Thai meal rich in vegetables, fruits, containing lycopene (Lycopene), such as watermelon, tomato ripening. The tribe was delicious vegetable products of tofu and soy.
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