1. boat to see an atmosphere of water market, visitors can take the boat to the market water thoroughly and atmosphere to the other, and it is located in the entrance zone page 20 Baht per market value of services
2.Within walking distance to shops, corner and take a picture of the market CON is lovely corner, select from many hives come up to the front entrance with the label that simulates the market con Old City Wall, and set them up.There is a ditch on the corner, it is no less attractive, there is also a cab ฮิปๆ shops, we have several other photo shop.
3.Visit taste delicious food, a walk to the market to gourmet taste yummy pad smooth canal long or buy food shops on deposit of the Thai house was lined in a beautiful water Market around our conThailand is divided into zones, as well as by the dining zone, accounting for the shops and in the corner of the water to eat the pie mongers are the merchant ship sales.
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