Claude Monet was a French painter
who lived during the year. 1840-1926
, he was regarded as one of the pioneering painter
to paint the picture. Impressionism In the early days
, called The Beginning of Impressionist. Art painting along Impressionism is not focused on the details of the images. It will focus on emotions And the impression that occurred at that time by the color of the image will be visible to the eye of a painter as well. We know that usually leaves are green, but the Monet painting leaves. Twilight may be The storm , which eye he saw the leaf as it is black. He is drawing a black leaf out how to draw the line. Impressionist marks a revolution in painting and traditional. Since the last century 12 and strong resistance from the Art Institute of France, and this is the reason of the paintings. Monet at the beginning Was critical of sermons And adversity, which resulted in the poor, was a painter. Must Chapman paintings in cheap. Throughout Paris for more than 20 years.
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