Domain thokwan (Korea: taegweondo, MC: thaekwon, T'aekwŏndo, MR: Taegwondo domain) is a martial arts weapon without use of the word "Korea" tactic (tae) meaning foot or foot attacks; "khwon" (gweon) meaning tool or an attack by hand; "Master" (do) which means life or intelligence, so general Taekwondo means the trajectory of the hands and feet to fight and defend themselves, or to use the hands and feet to fight and defend themselves well-informed
.From the history, which is published in the first period. The art of Defense of the country, there are more than 2 thousand from Korea in 1951. 1955 special organizations have been established on behalf of a national arts organization to control propagation and control of teaching work, as well as the public. Military organizations that depend on Central Fund of funds that are members of the organization. Members of the Group were assembled by General Choi was the Baba House-ฮึย (Choi Hong Hi) is the new name that Taekwondo (Taekwondo) have come from the แทกย mountain (Taekkyon) and Sudoku (Kongsoodo)
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