000 ปีมาแล้วสมัยประวัติศาสตร์พบเครื่องถ้วยจีนหลายสมัยที่สามารถนำมาศึกษาเปรียบเทียบเพื่อกำหนดอายุสมัยซึ่งพบในแหล่งโบราณคดีในจังหวัดตรังหลายแห่งทั้งในภาคพื้นทวีปและบริเวณชายฝั่งทะเลเป็นหลักฐานส่วนหนึ่งที่แสดงให้เห็นถึงการติดต่อสัมพThe purpose of this research is to study the 1. To study and determine the age of the days of the archaeological coasts and the islands of Trang province 2. To study the characteristic of land use in coastal area of หมู่เกาะในอดีต of Trang province and 3.To study the relationship between the coast and the islands of the archaeological community, located in the province of ancient continental, effective education. :
1.Archaeological sites in coastal area and islands in the province of 11 sources. There are archaeological sites in coastal areas. Or inside the current number of 4 continental sources., about 10000 - 2 000, years ago. And archaeological sites in coastal areas. At present, the 7 sources. The age period before history (about 4 000 -,, 2 000 years ago). - History (Khmer 16 - 25)
2.Archaeological sites in coastal area and islands in the province that is found to use the area varies according to the state space of sources, such as the residence temporarily. Point park place to escape from the monsoon and source buried
3.Archaeological sites in coastal area and islands in the province. The relationship with the ancient community located in different continents. The archaeological evidence that is consistent with the archaeological sites found in many modern, such as the ContinentalFind the painting color archaeological merit's Bay Is similar to the archaeological site he three Bart in his fifties, 4000, - 2000 years history.The relationship between them.Find China cup several times that can be used to determine the age of modern comparative study which found in Archaeology in the county of multiple sources in both the continental coastal area ส่วนหนึ่งที่ and evidence shows, contact an
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