Feldspar (Feldspar) or stone horse teeth is the aluminum compounds no silicate IA and IIA group elements of which are the most common and most used in the ceramics industry, is a compound of the elements Ca Na and K is the chemical formula KAlSi3O8 and NaAlSi3O8, CaAl2Si2O8 is respectively. Na K and Ca in a different ratio of feldspar containing compound called Na soda feldspar. K feldspar are part of a compound called
.The feldspar feldspar thaet as raw material in various industries such as ceramics industry use feldspar mixed in the soil to help the mixture melts at low temperatures and have a translucent products.
In the glass industry. The aluminum na feldspar with melting glass in today will make a glass product consistency. Durable, heat resistant and bump against the acute, etc. In many countries, such as Thai Tak province of feldspar found in uthai Thani.
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