Mineral salts Minerals are nutrients another found that there is a lack in the elderly. Minerals that should be very concerned, including calcium, phosphorus, and iron. The nutrition for the elderly Given the elderly should receive Calcium, although with every age range, but calcium is also important to describe who we are, the more age. This is to prevent osteoporosis and helps build strong bones. However, there are a number of elderly people is not the least, there diet calcium is not enough. When the ability to absorb calcium in the diet decreased as well as the lack of a body weight exercise, such as walking (which helps make bones stronger), it is the elderly, there is a problem with rueangkraduk more. For this reason, it's recommended that a nutritionist who is aged 65 years or above should take calcium supplements, or calcium supplements to diet your body will get about 800 mg of calcium per day (which is hard to get from food), but should eat calcium served.It incorporates an interval between meals To prevent calcium interferes with the absorption of iron from food, for the food that is a source of calcium include yogurt, milk, low-fat cheese. The little fish that eat both ophicephalus striatus Green leaf vegetables, tofu, calcium sulphate, manufactured by. Soy milk, calcium, calcium and phosphorus added to approximately 800 mg/day but there is a study that should have been higher, this is about 1000-1500 mg/day, especially women who are in menopause due to the absorption of calcium, there are fewer problems of the bone.Because they get inadequate calcium and bone brittle and unhealthy prunes so I found that by accident or fall slightly. Elderly people will have symptoms of fracture easily. Iron is a mineral that's found another type that is absent in elderly people, and cause anemia, which can cause the elderly, tired easily, less resistance to disease, illness easily. Make the body, weakening. Minerals contained in food, meat Milk, eggs, fruit, vegetables and cereals, but a little different. Food delivery to elderly people were dining, all 5 Mu every day, get nutrients minerals. However, the quantity eaten, it is important to get enough minerals your body needs? Distributor of food should be taken into consideration.The water. Water is a beverage that is not power, but it is necessary in the body to carry nutrients to the organs inside the body and make skin bright and refreshing. Drinking water should be purified water of elderly kidney less efficient excretion of waste products. Drink plenty of water to help with the water through the kidney enough to help the kidneys to excrete waste products. The elderly should drink water at least 6-8 glasses a day.Tea and coffee making facilities Elderly people with constipation or insomnia symptoms after drinking water, tea or coffee. Children or elderly themselves should be observed after drinking tea or coffee, and should be avoided. If the symptom occurs. Soft drinks are often caused as much gas in the stomach and cause uncomfortable symptoms. Discomfort occurs after drinking should be avoided. In cases where there are no symptoms, it can also be drunk, but it should not be too many or too often, because this type of sugar drinks alone make it IM. Eating less fat and make. If drunk in large quantities, and every day.Alcoholic beverages such as liquor, beer, whiskey, etc., these drinks alcohol can destroy the liver, so that people who drink very much, so I found that it is a disease that causes cirrhosis and is one of the causes of malnutrition. Vitamins and minerals. But if a few drinks before the meal so that appetite led.Dietary fiber ใยอาหารมิได้เป็นสารอาหารและไม่ได้ให้พลังงาน แต่ร่างกายควรได้รับทุกวัน เพราะช่วยในการขับถ่าย ซึ่งพบว่าผู้สูงอายุมักมีปัญหาท้องผูกอยู่เสมอ ใยอาหารช่วยเพิ่มปริมาณ ของอุจจาระและอุ้มน้ำไว้ ทำให้อุจจาระไม่แข็งตัวและช่วยกระตุ้นให้เกิดการบีบตัวของลำไส้ใหญ่ ทำให้เกิดการขับถ่ายได้สะดวก ผู้สูงอายุจึงควรได้รับใยอาหารให้เพียงพอด้วย ใยอาหารได้มาจากข้าวซ้อมมือ ถั่วต่างๆ ผักและผลไม้ ปัญหาการบริโภคผักและผลไม้ของผู้สูงอายุก็คือ ไม่สามารถเคี้ยวผักสดหรือผลไม้ที่แข็งได้ จึงควรดัดแปลงการประกอบอาหารประเภทผักและผลไม้ ให้มีลักษณะอ่อนนุ่ม เคี้ยวได้ง่าย เพื่อให้ผู้สูงอายุสามารถบริโภคได้สะดวกขึ้น ก็เป็นทางหนึ่ง ที่ช่วยให้ผู้สูงอายุได้รับใยอาหารเพิ่มขึ้น
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