The parts inside the House have been divided according to the style used by the middle of the room is the most sacred, and it is, therefore, on the altar area, but only men can sleep in this room. Women, especially as the ball passed the phai when Sabbath must bow down. For the woman or the child reflecting the lower level phai. Furthermore, Tai Dam, also held that for most locations seat weaving loom near the window so that other people see. Because they assume if the daughter who doesn't know it, there is no weaving people ask because all the dowry must be made wholly from the pillow. Linen duvets, etc., as well as the need to do a lot to distribute as gifts to their parents and relatives party men. Part of the House, there will be two points by a large fireplace in the middle area to welcome guests. Best fireplace below which a family cooking and fireplace reflects the culture and practices of the family.
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