Applications of technology to work in any field that technology is important 3 folds
1. Effective (Efficiency) technology allows to work to achieve the target. Honest and fast
2.The effectiveness (Productivity) effect produced fully, effective
3. Save (Economy) to save both time and labour, the less investment but effective
the importance of technology
. 1. Basic factors necessary in daily life of human 2
.It is the main factor to participate in the development of 3
. Is the story of human and nature
.During the last two decades has been the science and technology has played an important role and can increase innovation (Innovation) which is learning. Production and utilization of new ideas, the effects of the economic, society and politics.Culture, technology, society โลกที 598 easy become social living. Switch more complex, causing the stream of the limitless. Or globalization, into every country quicklyThe combination of 4 science together, including electronic technology's wait. Knicks, telecommunications and information, ElectronicsComputer.Telecomunication and Information or short that ECTI) makes the world can communicate everywhere all over the world quickly, can recognize the information. The movement of various movement. At the same time, can manage and decide all the time.Financial transaction and the quickly. So, technology is making the world. "Smaller", all the while!
evolution technology (Evolution of Technolgy)
.Technology has changed or develop over time steps to change the change depends on the processes of evolution (Evolution) system or tool cuisine. So the evolution of Technology (Evolution of Technology) is mean.
evolution can be divided into 5 era
- Stone Age (Stone age)
- the golden age groups (Bronze age)
- Iron Age (Iron age)
- generation to revolutionize the industry. (Industrial Revolution)
- century 20 (The 20th Century)
the relationship between technology and innovation
.The innovation is a term used in conjunction with the technology. In English use of the word Innotech reality, innovation and technology has close relations since the innovation is the title of the invention or action.Is still not familiar of the society. The technology that focus on the things. As well as how to apply to work. Or solve a problem to be most effective.Bringing innovation to use. It is the technology. And in using this technology, if we make a method or new things up, it is called a innovation, we often see the word, innovation. And technology.
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