The objective of this study is To study the decision process for tablet (Tablet) of undergraduate students Faculty of engineering and to study the marketing mix factors affecting the buying decision.Of the undergraduate students of the Faculty of engineering were undergraduate students, Faculty of engineering. Rajamangala University of technology, the 1077 people in the 300 samples. By stratified random sampling tool used in this study were the confidence coefficient.95 statistical percentage, mean and standard deviation. Statistics and coefficient of correlation correlation coefficient
.The results showed that the buying decision process tablet (Tablet) undergraduate students, Faculty of engineering, Rajamangala University of technology. The majority are male. 71 percent.7 age 20-25 years education mainly studying class 1 income received per months most students earn per month 2 000 - 4,,000 baht in study of engineering students is mainly in electrical engineering respectively. Industrial engineering. The marketing mix, the 4 aspects of products, the price.Marketing promotion, when considering the overall, it was found that the opinions of the undergraduate students, Faculty of engineering, mainly in high level.(Tablet) of the undergraduate students of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences, technology, product, price, place and promotion. And marketing promotion, when considering the overall.0.05
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