11. Roast pork with Nam chim chaeo
.Get off with roast pork to eat you with all the delicious food. Which this formula is pork neck source coupled with honey sauce ringing, grilled hot, aromatic, delicious. This formula only grill pan and easy it can eat!
note:Roast pork 1 plate to power approximately 200 kilocalories
what prepare tenderloin pork neck 200 g
water bee 1 tablespoon
1 tbsp oyster sauce 1 / 2 tablespoon teaspoon white pepper 1 /
4 fish sauce 1 tablespoon
.Tamarind juice 1 tablespoon teaspoon sugar 1
1 tablespoon pepper ground roasted rice fine 1 tablespoon
หอมแดง SOI 1 tablespoon
1 tablespoon sliced cooked onion method.
.Mix the sauce and tamarind juice and sugar together. People mix until sugar dissolve chilli powder, rice and onions stir. Garnish with spring onion sliced prepared
.With honey sauce, oyster sauce and white pepper and a mixture until combined
use the fork ridge around the neck มูให้ fermented mixture on top. Leave in the refrigerator about 30 minutes
.Wok until hot. The neck of Jinan manure cooked on both sides, and then cut into pieces. Arrange on a plate and serve with sauce ringing
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