Solve km up "local taxes" increase local revenues offset "land tax."
http: / / / read / revise-local-maintenance-tax
, October 18 2015 If. The intent was declared effective on May. The. The. Tax land and buildings has been successfully canceled. The. The. The.? Local taxes with May 2507. Assoc. Ref. Property tax in 2475 is outdated and does not reflect the current situation.A problem with the, tax base tax rates and taxation. The taxation of land and buildings. The state will make more money. By the first three years during which, there will be tax relief measures. The state will have revenues of about 8.2 billion. Baht from the fourth, year onwards revenues will increase to 9.7 billion baht.
But when the situation did not go as expected.While the need for increased local revenues, are greater respectively. The government has no choice but to find a way to. Store the Interior Ministry increased local taxes. With the revised legislation by amendment. The. The. The. The local, taxes. Until the push for taxation of land and buildings to fruition.
For those who have to pay local taxes within the meaning. Of the law."Landowner" the person or group of persons and entities with common ownership or possession of the land. But if the land. Is jointly owned by several people. He would have been sharing the tax burden.
, However the law has set the threshold for. The tax break.
- 1. The land outside the municipal sanitation tax would not exceed five hectares.
- 2. Land in the municipality.Or sanitary district No more than one farm concessions
- 3. Land in Pattaya. Other municipalities Reduction of up to 100 sq.m.
- 4. Land. In Bangkok. In dense urban areas Reduction of no more than 100 square meters of land in the area of medium density modulation. Up to one Rai of land in the rural zone. Reduction of no more than 5 acres.
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