Gin (Gin) is a liquor distilled one called white wine (white spirit) is clear and colorless with no curing smell distinctly of Juniper (juniper berry) made gin will be the seed corn. rye, barley, wheat and rice are crushed together and bring to a boil, and ferment. When fermentation alcohol content as needed and then distilling the first time. Then again, refined by the addition of juniper down slightly. In addition to Juniper Other herbs may be added To give you a flavor down with almonds (almond) Kalamazoo Muskoka (calamus) Kara Wayne (caraway) Comcast Center (cassia), cinnamon, cardamom Angelina Crow seeds like new seeds, coriander seeds, fennel. ginger, lemon peel, licorice by Christopher Orr may use the roots, bark, seeds or fruit.
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