Everyone is born and enlisted, but I want to be successful together. No one is driving that he doesn't want to succeed. Has anyone else would not have wanted the poor work or would like to stay in the same standing. I believe there is no so but why individual success. Some social standing is not different. As it is not different, it also came to the same study, but the last. The two men succeed in running a completely different Why do?Thought up The name that ever reading that Stephen R. Covey 8th Habit of writing down exactly the composition of the people who are successful in life is that there must be three elements in the following example, lol.Vision vision People who are successful, it must have the goal of life. There is a vision for the future of their own, they will need to be clear what to do, or successful in life? This element is considered to be the first thing that is indispensable for people who want to be successful. Because if we do not know or cannot see what we want to be or wanted to be successful, however, we would not know how to reach that success. It is possible that some people who are not successful in life, just once. It may be due to him not knowing his own needs and what he wants to be successful in anything. Some people float adrift, but I would like to make the rich wanted to succeed but I can't decide what I like or love ourselves. Finally, Yes, but think.Discipline วินัย องค์ประกอบที่ 2 ของคนที่จะประสบความสำเร็จในชีวิตได้ ก็คือการมีวินัยในตนเอง หลังจากที่เราสามารถกำหนดวิสัยทัศน์ และมองภาพอนาคตของตนเองออกแล้ว สิ่งถัดไปที่จะต้องทำก็คือวางแผนว่าจะต้องทำอย่างไรเพื่อให้ตนเองไปสู่เป้าหมายดังกล่าว จากนั้นก็ต้องสร้างวินัยในตนเองแล้วล่ะครับ เพราะถ้าไม่มีวินัย เราก็จะเลิก หรือไม่ก็กลับไปใช้ชีวิตแบบเดิมๆ เพราะชีวิตของคนเรานั้นเรารักความสบายอยู่แล้ว การที่เราจะใช้ชีวิตแบบเรื่อยๆ สบายๆ ไปวันๆ แล้วอยากจะประสบความสำเร็จตามวิสัยทัศน์ที่เราตั้งไว้ ก็คงจะยากหน่อยนะครับ คนที่มีวินัยในตนเองจะมีลักษณะที่ขยันขันแข็ง ไม่ย่อท้อต่อความยากลำบาก เป็นคนประเภทกัดไม่ปล่อยจนกว่าจะประสบความสำเร็จนั่นเองครับThere are lights in the Passion itself. The third element of the people to succeed in life. In addition, there is a clear vision for their own goals. Discipline is committed to doing. The next thing is that there must be a fire in itself is always. There would be a success and maintain the fire in myself to remain always at the end. Some people do not succeed, because there is a fire in the early grades, then fire ever, Maud, life went back to the same ever again.3 this element. If we keep it, invariably. Do not let it decline at least to make us successful. But it may take time, but people add discipline and build a fire in the blaze to date. To succeed faster.Read and then try the self assessment to see if it is not on individual elements. Ourselves with the orchestra played much scoring. If, for each full 10 consisting of organizations, we now have is much. If the total score has been released from 27 up to show that he is ready and is successful, Yes? If you are in the range from 18-26, called neutral may have to fire or discipline in his own creation, but if anyone under the age of 18 may also need to increase the efforts, because he is a man who loves the service, so if he wants to succeed, it would create more than 3 times, same as a discipline.I personally believe, towards the subject of discipline to succeed. They must begin to do immediately. Do not wait, do not move. Do not put off enough to start phrung and insurance day done, there must be discipline to do it all, until becoming a habit, but there is not enough focus on discipline may be, we must create a fire. Create incentives for ourselves so that our discipline to remain forever lol.
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