Concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and ascorbic acid, totalantioxidant capacityAt harvest the hydrogen peroxide concentration in cv. Trad-See-Thong was three times higher than that in cv. Pattavia pineapples.The concentration in cv. Trad-See-Thong remained similar duringstorage at 10◦C. In cv. Pattavia the concentration doubled afterthree weeks of storage at 10◦C, although it remained lower thanin cv. Trad-See-Thong (Fig. 3A).At harvest the ascorbic acid concentration in cv. Trad-See-Thongpineapple pulp was 80% higher than in cv. Pattavia. It decreasedduring storage at 10◦C. In cv. Pattavia the concentration remainedrelatively stable during storage (Fig. 3B).The antioxidant capacity, measured using the FRAP assay in cv.Pattavia was 20–30% higher than in cv. Trad-See-Thong, throughoutthe 10◦C storage period (Fig. 3C).