แต่ในปีนี้ บริษัทมี Interest Income from PN-HSBC and Accrued interest in Sep จำนวน 0.03,0.01 ล้านบาท จึงทำให้ในปีนี้ Interest Income เพิ่มขึ้นจากปีที่ผ่านมา
But this year the company is Interest Income and Accrued interest in Sep PN-HSBC from the amount of 0.03, 0.01 million. This year, the increase in Interest Income from the past year.
But this year the Company Interest Income from PN-HSBC and Accrued interest in Sep, the number 0.03,0.01 million baht this year Interest Income increased from a year ago.
But this year, the company has Interest Income from PN-HSBC and Accrued interest in Sep, number of 0.03 0.01 million, so this year Interest. Income increase from a year ago.