When she went to ask the captain that the sailor who is the oysters for sale. He knows the truth that the sailor dress mommaem, that is, the uncle-uncle-that is, lay lay really Mae said. They walked straight to Uncle ju lay and ask for the truth with Uncle ju lay why that sold oysters at this because they got the news that Uncle ju lay to the high-income countries of America-Uncle lay told all the truth, listen to. Saying goodbye to Uncle lay-of-the-nation address list States he is really big business, he has a lot of henchman, he is a millionaire, and he has a friend who is editor of close. His close friend Martin name He built this business came with his two people passing each other create it until he had a rich millionaire couple, but Uncle ju lemai know he is being his close friend betray. Come Te naphuean-uncle of lay-lay all the way Uncle betray. He wants to be a millionaire and owner of the lobby to eat only. He finished his uncle's property-based lay all. The date Te nayuet everything from Uncle-uncle-he does not even lay lay wherever Uncle ju lemai have a choice out of all the meat in his uncle, then-lay decided to sell oysters in this boat. Parents, listen to the story of the garden meets Uncle nathang-lay. They feel sorry for you-Uncle lay to come face-to-face with this story. My father and mother decided to take Uncle ju lay back to their homes are still waiting for Uncle ju lay back. Since then Uncle ju lay's itself does not save (export), tax-free, and they live happily together.
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