A good student will have to conduct themselves within the rules of the school. Keep your best self by a suitable example. We will therefore have to coexist with others. Should do what they should do. Maintain discipline, rules and regulations at the place of study and intend to learn as many obedience to teachers. Do not create embarrassment. The student is also the best, society. We should train ourselves as generous personalize it. Courtesy of spreading tolerance follow what deserves and bring your friends to school age and also the sensitivity that is also the experience needed to know the story more. We should think, candidly and intend to bring the knowledge to learn as well in the future, guiding our own that will mature in age should bring forward an existing knowledge of a process, design, and analysis in terms of distinguishing what should be done and what should not be done, we'll be a good student must have basic qualifications, as well as by their own discipline from a child. We are a good student, this will result in our own people and the surrounding khoiaochaichuai, when we succeed, it will be proud of someone else in the us is very good if we do think we will see good things, but we don't think so, but if you do bad, others will look at how we behave is not suitable for students. Ages of students, will also have to confront what so many before doing anything should always think before what we are to do so will impact negatively on others, or does not, and will affect us much good.
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