Maxx drinks khoema (Max Curma) ... relieve acid reflux ..."Noi (Curcuminiod), Curtis Cuming is a substance found in turmeric, which is a poly-phenolic type chemical (phytochemical polyphenolic) several biochemical reaction in the experimental group, who has studied the research reports that are symptoms of stomach eating turmeric capsules are better and the symptoms when the experimental study in rats. It found that turmeric fights the smooth texture of the khlaiklam stomach in rats turmeric is an effect to relieve abdominal pain due to spasms of smooth muscle in patients with stomach ulcers, thereby helping to alleviate the symptoms of gastric reflux disease effectively.... Pepper extract helps Thailand relieves pain, vomiting, gastritis, colic. Tight stomach bloating gasIt also improves stability of extracts from turmeric (Kerr Cuming noi).The extract from turmeric and Chili, Thailand is a good antioxidant, thus helping the liver. To reduce and prevent inflammation of the liver from alcohol.Taurine help ... in the work of the liver and pancreas, which will go to rebuild by Taurocholate makes fat eat the small molecule can be digested and metabolized more come. Our body can release these energies in various activities faster.... Also in other fora on Beethoven, broccoli is an effective driver of liver toxins in the body.From the gathered research turmeric extracts. Thailand makes chili peppers.-Acid reflux relief-Relief of chronic gastritis-Reduce the inflammation of the liver from alcohol-Reduce flatulence Indigestion with gas in the stomach.How to eat-1 bottle per day.Warning-children and pregnant women should not eat.Beverages (Iso-Curma) khoema isomerRelieve inflammation of the joints – knee and muscle."I-Sou khoema", extract from soybean rich isomer vo Flamenco No.2. High doses (Isoflavone). By found that substance isomer Flamenco Tivoli pm In the nose, soy can prevent osteoporosis. and dementia affects bone strength directly resulting degradation of bone mass decreases, and it also improves bone and also suitable for young women near menopause or menopause out of the test with a group of women close to menopause in the country in Korea found that women who eat soy extract medicines have come added bone mass and minimize symptoms of bone. Compared with women in the same group that ingested placebo.Turmeric extract (a Curcuminoid) .... in many research found that substances (Curcuminoid) in turmeric helps reduce degradation of cartilage cells and also stimulates the production of collagen and cartilage tissue in which the product has extracts of turmeric that is updated by the scientific process to add the ability to absorb into the body efficiently.Magnesium is .... a chelating (Chelate) with amino from soy, which is in the form of magnesium amino dakhi modulating is a mineral necessary to repair and growth of bones and teeth. Makes it possible to reduce the symptoms of muscle pain effectively..... From the collected research, concluded that soy extract, turmeric extract and alkylated magnesium has helped.-Relieve inflammation of the joints – knee and muscle.-Relieves pain muscles-Increase bone density-Reduce the dissolution of bone mass.How to eat-1 bottle per day before dinner, and shake before drinking.Warning-children and pregnant women should not eat.Packing size: 90 ml/bottleNo. 50-2 FDA-1953-02-0014.395 baht member priceThe selling price is 540 baht.The score is 50 PV.
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