The importance of food, food is one factor that is necessary for life. To help the body grow strong, complete, can do various activities have the benefit of food
.The food we eat When the body digest is beneficial to the body as follows:
1. Help the body grow to help build muscle, brain, bone, skin. On 2
.Give energy and warmth to the body to do various activities, such as walking, running, sport house using ideas
3. Help repair the parts. On the body the liner
4.Immunity to the body resistance to disease. Make people don't get sick easily. The functions of the internal organs to work as a regular staple food 5 mu
Many kind of food that we eat them. When the body digest will give the body energy, warmth, growth, resistance to diseases and help repair parts. The body of the liner
.Can be divided into the main 5 mu
Mu has 1 protein
mu 2 carbohydrate pig that 3 minerals
Mu 4 vitamin
Mu 5 fat
. Herb
.Herb in Thailand is beneficial to the body, there are many different kinds of Which each kind of benefit difference. Therefore, you should choose a suitable.Cure disease or help alleviate? And must eat either way, or do, which will make the use of herbs is benefit to the body of the recipient name.Especially used in cooking, in order to increase the value of food in the help สุขภาพร่าง physically complete, disease resistance. Or help disease subside or may help to recover from disease that
.At present, growing herbs, vegetables, in addition to growing a garden for sale. Also popular was the growing vegetables as well, such as basil, thyme, pea, spurs, Centella asiatica L. morning glory, pepper, tomato, lemon juice, pumpkin. Lime, tamarind.The cache, Piper sarmentosum ginger, galangal, lemongrass, coins, red, orange, banana, mango, guava, mangosteen, jackfruit, papaya, apple, etc.!
food consumption (Food Consumption)
.Mean, eating by considering what to eat Eating in the proportion and quantity much. To choose which foods have the useful and valuable to the body.(Food Consumption Behavior) which children should eat useful value to the body. Getting rich nutrients nutrition The proportion and quantity sufficient to meet the body's needs.Healthy is to do activities of daily living. The children of the physical health healthy children will make intelligent, social, and emotional bright
.Statistics Statistics words translated from the vocabulary Statistik in German, which is invented by the Got fried Ache wall (1719-1772) is a word that has the same root word. "State" which means "the state", referring to the data or information.Such as the census The preparation of tax wound trading business in various areas across the country, etc.!
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