Project build warning order car anti-theft device via a mobile experimental research. With the objective to design and build a car anti-theft alarm system via a mobile phone, so it can warn the user to recognize quickly, and users can perform power system cuts engine if stolen. In the create operation anti-theft devices, automobiles, mobile alert order, starting from the study of the problem and how to solve the problem. The study of work and specific properties of the device that is used to create a car anti-theft device mobile alert. To create a unified design and assemble car anti-theft device mobile alert order as designed. The last sequence is an anti-theft device test car mobile alert order that works according to the objectives that have been set or not. If there are errors, make corrections. Effective anti-theft device designed to create mobile alerts and order a test by creating a work situation, anti-theft devices, found that when pressing the remote control door lock car sound: Simon t. 1. emergency lights flashing. Cycle time 1 alarm systems work. When I press the remote control car door unlocking audio 2: Simon t. emergency lights flashing. 2. alarm system stopped working cycle. When you open a car door without using the remote control. Circuit alarm systems work. Sai t: continuous. Flashing emergency lights to the rhythm When I start the engine without using the remote control. Circuit alarm systems work. Sai t: continuous. Urgent call system worked, notification, the owner of the car cut the engine by the owner of the car calls. Circuit alarm systems work. The engine light is cut working. When a car engine accessories include charger tat system quick call function from the test system 50 times 50 works equipment.
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