One of the memories I Being a musician is a musician whose school. In addition to music They also compete in the entry, I like racing in the country and compete abroad. The exciting thing is to race at the United States country music. I'm glad my teachers, and practicing hard, because this is an open competition, in which ว่รายการ is difficult and very challenging. October 23, 2013 as the date we started out to Incheon Airport Korea country to a Korean Airlines flight to New York City, through us 12 hours, and then I went up to the jet lag symptoms, but feels that it is insolent. I very much want to use fatigue for about 2-3 days more than it lost. Over time, the day the race was close until the race comes in. I'm so excited, but the teacher always told us that when it comes to the point where we need a stunt, Zhong expressed out fully, so that the time we have used the practice to come. In the end, the race was ended with the sound of the applause of both Hall and they were clapping, standing up with a picture that makes me nearly delirious and I will remember it forever. After the tournament ends. The remaining 10 days interval guide is to walk the streets of five districts in New York and the Manhattan district. This city is very clean and attractive high. Days later, I got to see the statue of liberty, which is pretty much the most amazing, and I ก้ไป The metropolitan museum of art that here very spacious, and the Museum of antiques collecting. Various works from all over the world, most of them, but I can't watch over because time is limited. I'll have to finally say goodbye to travel to New York, where l.a. to publish, culture Thailand also went to universal studios parks Disneyland fun and happy where I am and all I have been told to come, I will never forget. Because these places are considered as major experience in my life.
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