Within the city of Sukhothai On the plains, foothills south of Khao fire. Remains an important Chedi Trglagka The square is located within the boundary Located on a square base clockwise. The pagoda is an elephant standing behind the stucco wall surrounding the pagoda in the 39 string and the elephant in the corner of the pagoda, a decorated elephant dressed in all 4 directions. Stucco patterned neck, thighs and ankles, the chedi has stepped up to the front yard clockwise. Above the base clockwise Arch Buddha sitting Buddha. Wall alcove behind a tree sculpture Buddha. The statue was destroyed only one remaining on the north side. The bell above the throne. Soft-tiered deck with his disciples style stucco reliefs of 17 the
Wat Chang Lom in Si is. Chang Chang stucco looks out over the other measurement was standing fully separated from the wall. A size larger than the real elephant. And stucco front with Karn adorned
the temple ruins of the temple is also evidence in front chedi. There is a small temple and pagoda 2 2 daughters.
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