• Rice 2 cups
• dried shrimp 1 cup
• Grated coconut, roasted until golden, 1 cup
• cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon
• grapefruit sheep used only beef 1 cup
• beans, shredded 1 cup
• Yanang sliced 1 cup
• lemon slices. 2 cups
• kaffir lime skin soft, sliced 1 cup
• lemon slice split four pieces mix Budu • Budu 1 cup • Fish Salted 150g • shallots, lightly pounded five heads • galangal, sliced pieces lightly pounded three forest • lemongrass cut into pieces intact. When the five pieces kaffir lime leaves • 5 card • 1 ½ cup coconut sugar • 2 cups of water to make one. Boil enough water is boiling, add the fish eagle. Braised boiled Scoop up the fish into the same sheep. Enter Budu boil lemon grass, kaffir lime leaves, galangal, shallots, coconut sugar. Simmer until thickened Budu down 2. Serve. Spoon rice onto a plate slightly Coconut, dried shrimp, roasted vegetables individually small amount. Budu topped with a sprinkling of cayenne pepper, seasoned with lemon slice Crescent Tips •. Budu have a great flavor of salty and sweet take on. Slightly condensed water The aroma of lemongrass, galangal, etc. • You can use other vegetables. Khao Yam, such as flowers, put in another yard to smell spicy. The medicinal properties
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