Technology development and also to develop a more advanced smart mini phone that makes people communicate each other closely through the application in smart phones. Such as Facebook, instance, exchange program online twitter.The present social media is very popular in all age groups, and is very popular among young girls have what to use social media widely across the world.The first is Social media can exchange information, knowledge of what a mutual interest or share something interesting to people or people in the online world know thoroughly. Number two.Three, can generate income for the player, such as open shop as instance, exchange program or Facebook. Four used as channels of advertising. By may not need to use.Five, to communicate a wide range, such as chat via video call to see people. Through the phone or computer. Finally, make informed information or information that are interested in fast
.However, on the other hand, social media also has disadvantages. For example, first, reduce the interaction with the people we are at the moment because we are interested in social media too much and don't talk to people around you.Known that the society had two, causing various diseases with physical diseases such as myopia, blurry. House, finger lock, back pain, neck pain. This affects our health. Three.Some information data resulting from a referral may be serious information or affect the problems in society and is forwarded or share the news quickly was damaged severely แรงจน may mortify decided to kill.The die.Four's attention by posting text or images to increase the amount of light number five. Some people may be addicted to affect socialmedia too much problem in many areas, such as the school, work, the last one.In the data theft or identity information
.Conclusion social media has both advantages and disadvantages. If we use the social media like not too is good to us, but if we use too much effect on the other hand, it will happen to us.What the technology to serve with daily life. If we apply the fit will result in a good way, but if we apply too much will come out negative
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