Glue false eyelashesStep 1 touch the glue too! and not blowing, almost dry glue. The installation techniques of the lashes with a counter blow to PIM is 1-50 with glue, it is fit.Step 2 place the eyelash eyelid Middle blind us, although, the Middle eye is infected before.This technique allows us to shift. Step 3 when the Middle stick, and the position is not an eternal mind nani yue.They catch the eye easily although glue tail is very important it almost dry, the glue must fit. Step 4 pull the lashes to stick. Press down to naen?If the glue is not enough, use the toothpick touch the glue, eyelid, that position met chim?Step 5 bi or real lashes and gently crushed with combination or insert it.In this step, make sure that the adhesive has dried! Step 6 finish slit eyeliner The inner walls and added more niap?But PIM does not add hae taken out screaming is evident, please.
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