Level 3 evaluation and tracking customer satisfaction surveys in the area level. Operations of both strategic and policy levels koramon Guidelines And coordination mechanisms, as well as the achievement made in the overview and in each area, together with educational institutions or organizations external to the neutral.Framework to evaluate the performance of koramonContinue to evaluate the etiology with fair and neutral based on the principle of "development assessment" along with acting as a mirror, reflecting the progress in the work of the unit, and alerts. Point out flaws and suggest ways to fix to the bosses in an update operation to continue development.The evaluation method. With an emphasis on evaluating performance management of staff. Koramon at all levels and assess the results of the project (put Out), the people's temple was part of a project of koramon performance by splitting the process into 3 levels of evaluation:Level 1 the evaluation policy and strategic level. To note the progress in the work and achieve high levels of defined, including the various issues that arise by considering the appointment of the Committee/Sub-Committee. Evaluation with representatives from the Government, both within and outside the. A Joint Committee koramon2 levels of evaluation in the operating level to know the achievement in the operation, according to the work plan/project by a specific plan selection. A major project, and people's satisfaction surveys, including the relevant officials at the level of the area. Koramon's operations, including evaluation of operating procedures is a process of assessment of the unit. Koramon, koramon and Central koramon province, according to a scorecard step (Milestone) and performance scorecard (KPI) defined in the Guide to the evaluation of the results of the evaluation. On the evaluation of projects based on the indicators set out in each project according to the operational plan for the year of koramon and survey satisfaction of the people including the officers involved in the operation, according to the project of koramon employment by educational institutions with a reputation as a measurement. Under the supervision of the Board of Directors of research and evaluation. Koramon
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