Renewable energy power plants using fuels from waste that cannot bring Marie Sai rakhoen (RDF), which is the system of burning gas power suppliers silicone (Gasification System) by bringing the Gas-derived Product internal combustion engine cycle to generate electricity. The highlight is the RDF waste fuels power plants when burning, no smoke floating into the atmosphere. Due to the smoke caused by combustion is not released from the vent, but to adopt cleaner and then conversion into gas for use as fuel in generators to efficiently. Also, there are no waste water because they want to bring water back in power systems at any time, including the ability to bring the remaining ashes from the combustion is used as fertilizer. Water extracted from the ashes can be used in the cooling system.(Closed cooling). Also, how to get rid of garbage is a simple process, there are still some burning fumes floating into the atmosphere. Which affect the environment, so the power plant fuel company RDF waste can respond in the matter of waste disposal in high level, because there is no smoke. This is another way to get rid of the trash, it is also environmentally friendly, and can generate income for the villagers in the area too.Born from the electrical engineers want to make garbage backpack nasun.
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