ทางคณะได้สำรวจพบว่ายังขาดเพียงราบวิชาเดียวที่จะต้องเรียนในหลักสูตรคือ ITE465 Programming for Multimedia and Digital Media จำนวน 3 หน่วยกิต โดยมีผู้เรียนตกค้างในวิชาดังกล่าว 3 คน
The survey found that the Faculty is just plain lack of a single Department of the course is for Multimedia and Digital Media ITE465 Programming 3 credits, with participants remaining in these 3 people.
The survey found that the lack of a single flat course to course is ITE465 Programming for Multimedia and Digital Media 3-credit classes with the residue of the three people.
The research found that are lacking only the flat one subject to study in the course is ITE465 Programming for Multimedia and Digital Media. The 3 credits by student 3 residues in such subjects.