Leaching the soil with salt water
method is needed for soils near the sea, such as the influence of soil Bang. The use of organic fertilizers Manure and compost, organic fertilizer, manure is a type of the body of an animal. Ferments, then some or all of the compost as fertilizer, a type of activity. Many types of microbes decompose organic matter. The composition of plant debris Or various residues Using compost to increase the amount of organic matter to the soil and compost to help reduce the toxic aluminum in the soil. Due to react with aluminum at a compound. In addition, the compost helps condition. Physical properties of soils suitable for growing crops, manure is organic species from the incorporation of plants that live in the soil or planting some crops to thrive as long as the plants start flowering until full bloom so. Through the process of incorporation into the soil to decompose completely by microorganisms in the soil. It adds organic matter and fertility of the soil, especially in the interests of nitrogen, phosphorus manure also contains other minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, micronutrients (micronutrient) In addition, the use of manure in the long run. Helping to improve the physical properties of the soil. If the soil is cohesive, solid soil drainage is difficult, it is incoherent. Water absorption increased And better drainage Making it possible to grow plants that need soil physical properties. In contrast, rice, different photo Growth and higher yield. If the plants had been planted substitute for rice or rice planting and after harvest, particularly in areas where soils have a soil conditions. The right to grow rice However, due to changes in land use in areas such as. Higher land price changes Rice yield alone is not worth the cost of producing it. The need to improve the area suitable for growing high-yield crops, but these plants need soil with incoherent with drainage and good air. Besides improving the soil by using lime and fertilizer. The plant will reduce the severity of acid down to a level that does not harm the root system and growth. Growth and productivity of plants and The use of manure on soils will help prevent danger. Because of the The toxicity of aluminum, which has a negative effect on the growth and yield of crops directly. Since the breakdown of manure Then an organic material, which will take possession or react in a complex with aluminum that independence is a compound made of aluminum independent in the soil reduced and not enough to be harmful. The plants And if we can grow legumes, such as soybeans, green beans, cowpea or legume species. Yield with plow and plant remains, they will make better soil properties, respectively. This reduces the amount of Amendments or marl soils. To reduce the cost of production per unit area down. Organic Liquid Fertilizer refers to water in liquid form, derived from biodegradable materials. Waste from plants or animals, fresh or succulent as a liquid from plant or animal products have a brown liquid which contains carbo-hydrates, organic acids, amino acids, humic acid gastric juice, vitamins, hormones. and mineral supplements or growth of various kinds. By microbial activity in the absence of oxygen majority. The benefits of organic fertilizer, such as the increased rate of growth of microorganisms in soil types. Promotion optimization biochemical and physical properties of the soil affects the acceleration of the growth of plants. It was found that the organic fertilizer. It contains hormones, organic acids and beneficial microorganisms, particularly a stimulating effect on germination seeds have germinated faster as organic fertilizer containing elements of the hormone auxin and sip Burrell Lin. liming improving soils by liming is convenient. You can adjust the soil pH to rise. The rapid way
to a science subject. The acid - base To fix
this problem should be established to take care of the farmers themselves.
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