The former vegetarian (to eat mustard) that the Chinese villager, and is located in Phuket, known as "mustard to eat" as Taoist Immortal beings who profess to adore. The gods of tradition Chinese heroes respect tradition especially Hakka Chinese people "to eat mustard" (eating) is locality Day ceremony day 1 evening dinner to 9 (nine ยอี dathueng yakao ngoi to spread to spread), according to the Chinese calendar, of every year. Tradition to eat mustard has started for the first time at the village. Stop II (ii), which is the village road, tambol kathu, kathu Phuket today. The Chinese people have migrated into mining since the Ayutthaya period (in the reign of King Narai reign). With the trade of mineral well invaded with Porto the event guest. Holanda France England etc. The Chinese people have never come so much before 2368 (1825) is after Phuket Town and Phuket were invasive when 2352 (1809) Citizens have scattered to various khranphraya Thalang (anointing), has been appointed as the owner and the city of Phuket, Thalang to the home market, ho (glass) as Abbot (between 2368 (1825)-2400).The area around in two (kathu) Urumqi Government supplemented with tin ore, Chinese people never come into a large amount of Tin miners. The majority of Chinese people will be migrated from the old town, Thalang, scattered throughout the province, and migrated from Shantou, Hakka, and e on mueng in southern China. By sailing through Cape mala u etc. The village is also home to the jungle in those days. Jungle fever, as well as the danger from wild animals, but many people and Chinese people in villages in the two reverse the rapid increase since there are abundant Tin until it is a rumor to spread around the world. The Chinese people are in there belief and faith in God matters. the protection of the family, or the gods of the village such as thaphoeida blue clay. Various, including Their ancestors came. When there is a reason it has been phetphai beyond the summoning God himself as its esteemed worship, each fashioned to protect protect ourselves, or people who have made a living in their residence, local people. A generally, and this belief is still upheld, until as long as today. There was came or pe hi mark, who have come from China to come to the show House opened in two. This was shown during the year because of the economy, business organization of China, including the store has a very good income later. appear to have clay back and shop building 26 after a 112 thus can order this Board was all year round. After the show was opened in two stages, one at home is an illness is fever and illness this time was thought up that their is not one to eat mustard ceremony (eating) which perform the same every year, Chinese cities and since j King.Ueng Hong teh was pronounced it a consultation among the Board and agreed to eat cha ceremony yakhuen component at the tree themselves. This is because it is not possible to ship or junk back to participate in the ceremony to eat cha put China closer to date. because the ceremony, so decided to eat cha ceremony yakhuen component at the khamar. Why was. Following various diseases was the end of it, as well as pain diseases in people who have had pain beards beards II was reduced as well. This story created to make surprise villagers in many. So ask and the answer was that they had to eat newly renovated Koh yo cha ceremony component because it does not have the knowledge and expertise in the fields to eat cha ceremony by Buddhist altar fashioned, but ask for pardon khamar. Specification ia or kio kio deep Ong Ong Tai people of God or reign of nine he te. Was also introduced the Chinese in two further respects to ancestral gods invitation to come to defend ourselves. A local family and so is a as wholesome and a good thing, but if it is, the better it would be to eat cha yathue of. The cha to eat fewer need to be performed, all nine days. To date, according to eat cha yaki, but faith and of each family. People in most of the Chinese people and have the faith to believe in and follow the instructions of the nights was by NAI cha ceremony components to eat years later. Phuket Town tradition to eat cha yokong have risen for the first time in two (kathu) later so widespread on various places. After two nights of Chinese ritual to eat about 2-3 years, cha rentals diseases various reduced pain and lost in the end. Make Chinese living mining the display according to the faith and the faith to believe in PA. Before it was moved to make the show. Kimsin. image was Lord (cult image), Liu (Tien hu nguan soi) ia, ia, hu blisters organized Ong mathai chue and gives guidance concerning Chinese rites by the time yo during the ceremony that the Chinese are more mustard to eat (eating) the man hole.One person who did not appear to have ever lived, where extension kangsai province (kangsai is currently China's Jiangxi die) is getting a career in two of the ceremony has been seen to eat Chinese cha yokong is invalid according to the manuscript of the chaitueng (Shrine at territory kangsai) has let the Chinese on travel.Their welcome volunteer travel bawa returned to Shandong kangsai of China. To the damn wahoi chia (summoning light incense) and elements for the ceremony, but was unable to travel to due to lack of funds. The Chinese have partnered together to collect funds to each other, who knows. For travel expenses to kangsai province Another 2-3 years later. During the ceremony, the Chinese in two newly renovated Koh cha yo needs to eat until the 7 night (day nine ngoi to spread yachit) according to the Chinese calendar, the night. Sailing from China have been arriving at the port of Sunda flying lemur head Liao (sticky) People who have traveled back to sailing ships and also sent the Chinese people on the two know now, their departure from China brought to port some head Liao chia-ready damn waian (powder incense) came by and asked the Committee to participate in the ceremony of welcome at the head to eat yapai cha Liao for nine flying lemur ngoi.
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