2.5. Evaluationofcolorstrength,colorfastnessandphysical propertiesTo e การแปล - 2.5. Evaluationofcolorstrength,colorfastnessandphysical propertiesTo e แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

2.5. Evaluationofcolorstrength,colo

2.5. Evaluationofcolorstrength,colorfastnessandphysical properties
To evaluate dyeing performance, the color strength (K/S) and CIELAB of the dyed samples were measured using a Hunter Lab Color Quest XE spectrophotometer with illuminant D65 and 10◦ observer. The K/S is calculated by the Kubelka–Munk equation, K/S = (1 − R)2 /2R, where R is the reflectance, K is the absorption coef- ficient, and S is the scattering coefficient. The color difference is expressed as E* and is calculated by the following Eq. (1):

E∗ =
( L∗)2 + ( a∗)2 + ( b∗)2 (1)
where E* is the CIELAB color difference between batch and standard. Here L*, a*, b* and hence E* are in commensu- rate units. L* denotes the difference between lightness (where L* = 100) and darkness (where L* = 0), a* the difference between green (−a*) and red (+a*) and b* the difference between yellow (+b*) and blue (−b*) (Park, 1993). All measured samples showed a maximum absorption wavelength value ( max ) at 400 nm. The color fastness to washing, light, crocking, perspiration, and water of the dyed samples were determined according to AATCC Test Method 61-2010, ISO 105-B02: 1994, AATCC Test Method 8-2007, AATCC
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2.5. Evaluationofcolorstrength, Colorfastnessandphysical eienskappe
prestasie kleur te evalueer, is die kleur sterkte (K / S) en die bloedrooi monsters gemeet met behulp van CIELAB van 'n Hunter Lab Kleur Quest XE spektrofotometer met verligting D65 en 10◦ Observer. Die K / S word bereken deur die Kubelka-Munk vergelyking, K / S = (1 - R) 2 / 2R, waar R die reflektansie, K is die opname coef- ficient, en S is die verstrooiing koëffisiënt. Die kleur verskil word uitgedruk as E * en word bereken deur die volgende vergelyking. (1): E * = (L *) 2 + (a *) 2 + (B *) 2 (1) waar A * is die verskil tussen Batch en CIELAB Kleur standaard. Hier L *, 'n *, b * en vandaar E * is in commensu- koers eenhede. L * Dui die verskil tussen lig (waar L * = 100) en duisternis (waar L * = 0), 'n * die verskil tussen groen (-a *) en rooi (+ 'n *) en b * die verskil tussen geel (. + b *) en blou (-b *) (Park, 1993). Alle gemeet monsters het 'n maksimum absorpsie golflengte waarde (maksimum) by 400 nm. Die kleur vastheid te was, lig, crocking, sweet, en water van die geverfde monsters is bepaal volgens AATCC toets Metode 61-2010, ISO 105-B02: 1994, AATCC toets Metode 8-2007, AATCC.

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