Grammar in briefWe will use English effectively and accurately refined, it will be necessary. Learn about the syntax and grammar, with what is if to say brief grammar is minor, such as the use of language, the rules of discipline of the President's words as a verb or a verb, etc. So the grammar is important. Especially in the written language (Written English) and grammar, this is not that difficult to learn. In the top floor. 1. NOUNA noun is a word used as a name of a person. Places and things of common major functions of a noun is used as the Chairman and as the action of the sentence, and that the letter N. (example).Malee goes to school (a person's name, and is the Chairman of Malee).I like Malee (Malee is Karma-like).2. PRONOUNPronouns are words that replace nouns to plural noun, it is frequently repeated in Thailand language like Mr. Daeng is good people. He is very clever, too (he is a pronoun because it represents a Mr. Daeng) and when it is used instead of a noun it would replace one noun. That is, as the President and your sentence, but may change according to the rules only.We called the brief speech that Pro (preview)Dang is a good boy and he is very clever.(He is a pronoun is used instead of the word Dang) words such as pronouns, he, she, it, I, you, we, they, him, me, mine, yours, theirs, myself, yourself etc.3. SUBJECTThe President is the acting show symptoms, said talking or doing something, so the President is made things perilous part of the symptom expression, President. We called the verb (which is discussed below), and when the Chief Executive will also have verbs in parallel, in order to be a complete sentence. We use the abbreviation called President that Subj.4. VERBA verb is a word that is used to display symptoms of speech or action, such as walking, walking symptoms or pronoun runners running a genuine verb verb (Main verbs) and the verb (Auxiliary Verbs, Helping Verbs).-Sample verb e.g.. to go, to stay etc.-An example is the verb help., will have, etc.5. OBJECTKarma is a noun or pronoun as a victim by the Chairman, by the very words that this is sorted after the verb, always.I hit the dog (a dog because I was hit by karma).Inter alia as a reminder that in every sentence (SENTENCE) it is not necessary to have always supported incoming Karma because not all verbs must have a meaning, it has to complete the karma is in itself already. The verb must be karma to accommodate us, called "karma" or "call verb transitive Verb called" Transitive "or" in English in the dikchannari will have a brief letter says that (vt.) verb that doesn't want us there, called "intransitive verbs, '' and in dikchannari to use the abbreviated (vi.) which comes from the Verb Intransitive" celebrities. "The difference between the verbs that require and do not need to have.-No verb, such as a bedroom or die (sleep). (die) when he says that it does not need to be dead, then asked that what you know ...-Must have a verb, such as a. eaten (eat) if say I eat. Of course The following questions must be that people are eating anything there must therefore be supported, such as rice or anything, so I eat a full image that rice.Again, for this we call words abstract that Obj.6. ADVERBModifiers are words that use extended verbs and adjectives, such as pronounced. Tell the symptoms of places. Tell the number of times or much less capability, etc. Adverb is usually ending with-ly, e.g., usually quickly, always., etc., often urgently, possibly slowly (see example).I walk slowly, (walk, walk slowly expanded slowly learn that) we call. Adv that abstract modifiers.7. ADJECTIVENoun is a noun or pronoun that expands, a more pronounced, such as different color or low height dictated number etc.These include red, white, black, tall, short, little, few, many, good, bad, high etc.The adjective is seen frequently (see example).He is a good boy (extended good boy, good boy knows he is).We call that abstract adjectives adjectives are usually Adj. spread on behalf of always. In addition to the cases behind the verb to be, such as helping Verb.A boy is good (good to be back helping verbs are verb).8. SENTENCEThe sentence is a group of words that have meaning and completely know who makes what components of a particular sentence, therefore, at a minimum, must contain the.The Chairman (Subject) + verb (Verb)Or?The Chairman (Subj.) + verb (Verb) + karma (Obj).The passage, or at this time is intended to let know the event that happened then is happening or will happen in the future, therefore, all languages have the passage contains the passage is divided into three major topics.1. the present tense (Present Tense),-2. past tense (Past Tense),-3. future tense-(Future Tense)
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