To prepare for hiking, first of all, must see places to find great information and details as much as possible, to prepare all the equipment ready, because each attractions has. Facilities vary. The outfit. The dress should be a strong batch. Comfortable, not too tight and the tone used in harmony with nature. The cap used to be a wing CAP or cap it. Shirts and pants. Clothing should be worn to protect against insects, pants, long-sleeved shirts, pants should be comfortable, not too much strap. Clothing should be divided into two sets of series 1 set of hiking and 1 set of sleepwear outside, then there should be one, because the jacket at night in the Woods, often with relatively cold air. The shoe is the most important thing should be closed-toe hiking boots that are worn and sturdy fit. Contact the navigation directionsShould contact the tour guides or leaders with experience and study the route briefly and asked for details on accommodation or seeking on DOI.
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