Ms. Panida surname Wong Katiya's female nickname cheek
Born February 6, 2540, aged 19 years, place of birth, hospital Nopparatrajathanee
nationality Thailand Ethnicity Thailand Buddhist
number identification 1 - 1027-00706 - 38 - blood group 0 B.
Height 160 cm, weight 50 kg
residence at No. 694 Squadron - Lane / Soi Lat Phrao 109 district / Klongchan District / Area Bangkok ZIP code 10240
, which is currently at No. 110 Moo 3 Tambon / Road Mae Ka district. / Urban province ZIP code 56000 Phone 062 - 0272 - 808 E-mail address
studying at. School District 2 (Mae Tam youngster Magic)
line learning science - math GPA 3.85 9136 student code
hobby. Reading novels, listening to music, drawing, sewing, knitting, embroidery hundred talents.
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