In the rocket. Morning has merit raise the offerings to the monks. Raise the kith and kin and of fireballs around the temple. To give to God and the holy things. The fireballs out catering for rocket
.Ignition rocket will rocket toss. To toss that agricultural crops, year is bad or not, said that is ถ้าบั. Fire! No point (sh. owe). It is forecast that the annual water will and farming lowland damaged.Guess what the land will be drought. But if the rocket points up the beautiful and high. The villagers are voiced Banzai throughout the grounds. Because there is a belief that rice seedlings. Crops in fields to the consummation
.After the cast and the rocket sound. After that, it will bring competitive rocket rockets and rocket hundred thousand, take a few minutes to ignite the rocket will jump into the air.The rocket will point after rocket sound competitive Ignition rocket competition if the rocket of any faculty high is the winner. If the higher will rejoice! Skip fully And will carry a ban fire walk.So the Rockets will be down the mud whether rocket going up or not will throw the whole that is ทำบั้งไฟ are points. Or perhaps people of fireballs of their expertise will be points. The board timer who up higher.Some times, broken chevrons are some high. In the rocket this people want see traffic sitting upon a group of trees. และพนันก that the Rockets will win up high? Fall or not. Maybe have much to the point 2 rocket day.The lead, but only to the point after the Rockets points finish. It will be awarded to rocket up high, respectively 1-3 then Faculty of dance are back. To their homes or homes so do the Rockets
.Bringing a fire (the fire) refers to Hoi play after the rocket. Have the mechanic and the villagers as the host to drink and play again. Following the fire will present a formula fireballs.When the doctor began to invite finished gift home office gifts formula formula is home, so do the Rockets, everyone in the house will be sitting out get formula gifts. The doctor brought great gift gift word formula formula, the formula, finished with arms to bind.Do a practice commonly present fire practice less. The dance track fire is to visit the homes of villagers dance until dinner. It breaks up. The body of the poem dance now is some wine wort the toast.(see example words blessing in intuition, the harp of gold,Illuminated mind. Chin technicians, 2537: 43-44)
.Xinjiang and life of the Northeast are bound intimately. In the Northeast will prepare a joyous rocket The more years in which to be special drought also is a philanthropic assembly.
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