Yesterday (21 Jan.) a foreign news agency. News reports. A doctor from a hospital in the city Creek NOF Czech Republic has revealed the case she and Flo d Nova. Age 76 years with severe abdominal pain. When to check I found worms which live within the kidney and renal side bite to eat until it is damaged, doctors surgery, but that the weak body so patients subsequently died.The patient in this case is severe abdominal pain and blood in urine is confused. Make the way a doctor has decided surgery was found within a pathology is longer than 10 centimeters and still find another pathology size 6 cm are relentlessly crawling into the bladder. By a team of doctors analyzing whether the pathology that comes from eating raw fish or fish that is cooked well.However, Vito: Paul lasoe Surgeon urinary tract Revealed that patients with blood mingle in the urinary tract is usually caused by kidney stones, kidney inflammation, or cancer, but it seems to be a parasitic worm, roundworm, giant kidney which is usually found in dogs and is rarely found in the human body, but if I go, then it will be able to live in the human body as long as 5 years and removal by surgery only. If you leave behind will cause the patient's kidney was a bite to eat until have received heavy damage. The patient finally died down.
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